Guillermo del Toro sat down to talk with MTV and the questions turned to Gravity (Nov. 21, 2012) the upcoming film from director and a good friend of del Toro’s, Alfonso Cuaron (Children of Men), and he had nothing but good things to say about the film that stars George Clooney as the sole surviving human member of a space mission is desperately trying to return home to Earth and her daughter.
“Alfonso and [cinematographer] Emmanuel Lubezki are absolutely pushing a new boundary in filmmaking, and completely mind-blowing,” del Toro said. “The way they’re making that movie, I think, will forever change certain types of productions. The engineering and ingenuity of the machines they created to film that way is fantastic.”
It was previously reported the film will contain 60% CG feature animation as well as an opening, single shot intended to last at least 20 minutes. I’m sure you remember some of Cuaron’s tracking shots from Children of Men, one of them I’ve included here and another you can watch here and how much people loved them and the intensity they brought to the feature. Just hearing del Toro this excited about the production and the fact James Cameron even thought what Cuaron was trying wouldn’t be possible for another five years really gets the mind racing.
Del Toro adds a final note about the film and Cuaron’s work saying it’s “very human, but Kubrickian in precision”. Can’t wait. Watch the interview below.