What I Watched, What You Watched: Installment #90

A lot at home and a lot in theaters this week. Among my press screenings over the past seven days I had Hesher, Water for Elephants and Bridesmaids. One I’ve already reviewed and the others are on the horizon.

Then, on top of the films I have below, I also watched Brian De Palma’s Blow Out, which comes out on Criterion Blu-ray and DVD on Tuesday and I’ll have a review of that one shortly.

However, one thing I will mention now about the Blow Out Blu-ray is one feature that wasn’t mentioned when it was first announced, an HD version of De Palma’s 1967 feature Murder a la Mod, which is a highly experimental film, but one that proves as long as a good filmmaker is at the helm even something that’s not exactly great can be quite interesting. You can check out the first four minutes in the video to the right if you’re interested, but it doesn’t really give you enough to form much of an opinion.

Now for what else I watched…

The Accused (1988)
Little Man Tate (1991)
Last Night (2011)

I did watch one more film, but I don’t want to give it away as it is part of a new feature I’m going to be starting along the lines of this article I wrote last March. More on that shortly… but more importantly, what did you watch this week? Anyone see Water for Elephants? Anyone catch up on Hanna or Scream 4? How about Rio? Speak now, share below and Happy Easter.

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