What’s In Front of the Camera In These Two New Pics from ‘Super 8’?

It seems most everyone online is excited for J.J. Abrams’s extra-terrestrial homage to Steven Spielberg, Super 8. I have to be honest, I want to see it, but I don’t understand the massive level of excitement being generated. I don’t even really know what’s going on other than there’s a train crash, some kind of alien or creature has escaped and some kids caught something on super 8.

After seeing the trailer my sister texted me saying, “So The Goonies + E.T. + Transformers = Super 8“. I didn’t ask her if she was excited at the prospect or simply noticed the comparisons and would prefer to watch those films over Super 8, but, knowing her, I sensed sarcasm.

I will say this, I appreciate Abrams’s attempt to revisit some of the genre classics. He was the catalyst behind Cloverfield, bringing what he described as America’s own Godzilla. He nailed Star Trek in what was a remarkable film that somehow hearkened back to the original series and at the same time brought it into the modern age. And now he is venturing back to the day Spielberg wowed audiences with Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Goonies and E.T. I just wonder if the nod to the slightly-old-school will be appreciated by fans not in the know.

All that said, here are two new images from Super 8, which hits theaters on June 10. You can get slightly larger looks right here.

Now, tell me something… are you excited for Super 8? Any particular reason why or is it more for what this style of filmmaking and story-telling symbolizes?

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