Box-Office Oracle: Apr. 1 – Apr. 3, 2011

Easter Sunday hits 20 days later (on April 24) this year, but that won’t stop an Easter film from dominating this weekend. The perfectly pleasant PG film Hop will take the crown, and it should do so with ease.
Laremy predicted the #1 movie correctly 0 Weeks In A Row
I think The Adjustment Bureau and Limitless might have hurt it a bit. So I’m thinking something in the $7,000 range per theater, and with only 2,961 theaters to compete with it shouldn’t mount a serious charge.
Prediction: $20.73 million
Horror fans will come out this weekend, A Nightmare on Elm Street proved horror is viable in April. Plus the SXSW reviews started the buzz early.
Prediction: $13.24 million
Quite a holdover last weeekend! This weekend’s demographic competition should accelerate the bleed ever so slightly to 30 percent.
Prediction: $10.66 million
The previous version was really punished in its second weekend. Same deal for this one.
Prediction: $10.46 million
Speaking of punishment, I look for a dip between Watchmen and G.I. Joe for this title. Word of mouth has not been kind.
Prediction: $7.05 million
The budget was only $40m, which it will get near domestically this weekend, so hopefully Matt McConaughey translates overseas.
Prediction: $6.32 million
$200m worldwide, and it should pass Wild Wild West (not adjusted for inflation) domestically this weekend.
Prediction: $5.3 million
9. Paul
They’ve already cleared $30m internationally, so the $30m they’ve put up domestically means this won’t end up being a debacle for Universal. Long live Pegg and Frost!
Prediction: $3.91 million
If you’re keeping score at home The King’s Speech‘s new PG-13 version will finish in 11th.
Prediction: $3.3 million

How say you? Am I going to get sucker punched for my Hop call? Is Source Code being underrated? And what do you make of Insidious? Brad will be back on Sunday to wrap this baby up, comments away!

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