Box-Office Oracle: Mar. 25 – Mar. 27, 2011

It looks like a relatively easy call at the top. Sucker Punch‘s visuals should carry the day over a relatively weak sequel call. The first Diary of a Wimpy Kid made solid profit, but it also didn’t generate much in the way of love. This usually translates to a weakening of the franchise for the next go-round, which is precisely where we find ourselves. Let’s break it down!
Laremy predicted the #1 movie correctly 4 Weeks In A Row
The 6.0 rating on indicates a lack of fervor for the product. That will equal $5,700 per theater, and not a dime more.
Prediction: $17.67 million
It should have one of the better holdovers of the weekend. The concept was interesting enough to generate some second weekend love.
Prediction: $10.78 million
It looks as they they will lose some money theatrically on Rango, though TV rights, DVDs, and a whole slew of limited edition lunchboxes will likely make up the difference.
Prediction: $8.89 million
One thing that was never really explained: The car. Clearly, having a Lincoln Town Car was important to the title of the film, but they didn’t bother to mention it during the movie itself, an odd omission. Still, a good time overall.
Prediction: $7.52 million
6. Paul
I’ve spoken to a few people who have enjoyed it, but it’s more pleasant than funny.
Prediction: $6.78 million
I was a little taken aback they spent $70m here. I was under the impression this was a CGI light production, and they certainly didn’t spend money on the script.
Prediction: $6.68 million
$32m worldwide on a $42m production budget means the international receipts should bail them out.
Prediction: $4.02 million
This could end up being one of the biggest bombs in cinematic history. Score!
Prediction: $3.22 million
I enjoyed this film, but I respect your right to skip it.
Prediction: $2.97 million

How say you? Am I too low on Sucker Punch? Dare you call a Wimpy Kid for the top slot? Brad will be back on Sunday to break this thing down, comment early, comment often.

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