What I Watched, What You Watched: Installment #85

Well folks, no movies outside of the normal rotation for me this week. You already read what I thought of Skyline and the only other movie I saw this past week that I have not yet talked about was Source Code, but I can’t talk about that yet. Though, I did sit down with director Duncan Jones for about 30 minutes and that is something I think you will all enjoy so look for that in about a week.

Otherwise, I did finish reading “Catching Fire,” the second book in “The Hunger Games” trilogy and hope to finish reading “Mockingjay” this week and be done with it. If you want my opinion, “Catching Fire” was a fun read, but a bit too much like “The Hunger Games.” However, I have high hopes for “Mockingjay” since the one major difference between the first two books appears it will be the guiding force in the third one. Looking forward to it.

So with me offering up a blank it’s up to you, what did you watch this week?

Did any of you go see Paul, and if so, how is it? I am thinking of catching a matinee on Monday and reviewing it, but I am getting conflicting reports from people and one person that described to me what they liked about it didn’t actually sound too good to me.

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