First Animated ‘Sucker Punch’ Short from ‘Deathly Hallows’ Animator Arrives

Animated by Ben Hibon, the man who directed the impressive animated sequence in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, featured below is the first of several animated shorts to premiere prior to the release of Zack Snyder’s new film, Sucker Punch on March 25.

This first installment is titled “The Trenches” and comes with the following synopsis:

In Sucker Punch, the girls face off against an army of mechanized WWI soldiers. Through the use of clockwork and steam technology, human soldiers who die in battle are reanimated and sent back to the front lines. Although seemingly indistinguishable and soulless, the zombie army is not just made of gears and steam, but also of human flesh, bone, and memory. In “The Trenches” there is a tragic tale behind each lifeless mask.

Check out the short directly below.

For more on Sucker Punch, including a look at our gallery of 60 images, click here.

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