Disney Princesses Do ‘Sucker Punch’ and Wile E. Coyote Does ‘127 Hours’

Here’s a nice little diversion for your Tuesday morning, both of which I found rather entertaining.

First is a mash-up of the audio from the Sucker Punch trailer matched with corresponding images from Disney Princess movies, complete with Scott Glenn’s horrible line-reading. I have to agree with the boys at FSR when they wonder who has the time to do this, but hey, they scored a viral video out of it so hopefully they’re getting some of those YouTube ad dollars.

The second video isn’t as timely, but I found it entertaining nonetheless as someone has taken the 127 Hours predicament and turned it into a Wile E. Coyote short. I wonder, in this age of political correctness will anyone deem this insensitive to Aron Ralston?

Thanks to Film School Rejects and Awards Daily for the heads up on these two vids.

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