The Added Effect of the ‘L’

Last week I rewatched Glengarry Glen Ross last week for the first time in several years and it was a treat. It baffles me this is a film that only received one Oscar nomination (Al Pacino for Best Supporting Actor). No nomination for David Mamet’s script. No nomination for James Newton Howard’s jazz infused score. And no nomination for the sound department. Sure, you could also argue for another acting nom such as Jack Lemmon and Alec Baldwin for that one great scene, but I would argue largely for Howard and the Sound Mixing. My case would be made with the following video. Nevermind the rantings of Al Pacino as Ricky Roma, it’s the sound of the “L” train rumbling through that gives the scene its weight.

Oh, and the language is not safe for work… If you’ve already seen this film you know that, if not, you’re about to get a crash course.

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