Keira Knightley and Sam Worthington’s ‘Last Night’ Gets Help from Tribeca Film

It’s nice to see someone has stepped in to help Miramax distribute Massy Tadjedin’s Last Night, a film I caught in Toronto last year and was previously in a state of flux at the spiraling house of Miramax. Tribeca Film will release the film on video on demand and plans a limited theatrical release, which means no matter where you live you should be able to see it soon enough.

Last Night is one of those films that moves along at a cool clip, balancing truth and perception in a story of fidelity and marital trust. To quote my review from last September, “To assume you know how the relationships in this story will play out means you are underestimating [Massy Tadjedin’s] script as she teases and keeps you on edge up and beyond the film’s last breath.”

Keira Knightley and Sam Worthington play a married couple faced with temptation while separated over the course of one night by the likes of Guillaume Canet (Tell No One) and Eva Mendes. I won’t say the film doesn’t have a few contrivances, it’s certainly not perfect, but even when Tadjedin takes the story into a few cliched corners she allows for moments where her characters actually think and realize what they’re doing, not only after the fact, but before and during and it’s this realization that keeps the audience with the film rather than second guessing it or getting frustrated. Add to that the film’s final second and I was hooked.

Miramax will be handling the film on home video, television sales and long-term digital rights as Tribeca will handle the digital end over the short term. The film is expected to hit theaters this Spring, but for now you can read my review right here and, even though I suggest you don’t watch it, you can view an international trailer directly below.

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