Quick Quote from Bardem on ‘Bond 23’

Word on Sunday was that Javier Bardem had been offered the role as the villain in Bond 23 and the Los Angeles Times had a chance to talk with Bardem about the offer. He did meet with director Sam Mendes about the part and says it’s a role that would be hard to turn down, but he has not yet seen a script or signed.

Talking with Glenn Whipp at the “Times” Bardem said, “I’m a huge fan of the James Bond saga. When I was little, I went watching Mr. Connery doing James Bond with my father. Who in the world would think I’d be in one of those movies?”

The more interesting bit, however, is when he says, “They’re changing the whole thing, the whole dynamic. I’d be playing Bond’s nemesis, yes, but it’s not that obvious. Everything is more nuanced. It’s very intriguing.”

Of course, this is typical chatter before any movie is released, but Bardem seems like an unlikely cog in the hype machine, which gives me a little jolt of energy when I hear him say something like this. Then again, I’m in the minority in liking Quantum of Solace more than Casino Royale. So what do I know?

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