YOUR TURN: Nominate Ten Films for Best Picture of 2010

A lot of you have been asking for your opportunity to vote on the best films of 2010 after I did the same thing last year, which resulted in a decent result even though there were a few people that tried to game the system. Fortunately, you live and you learn and checks have been put into place to prevent the same thing from happening this year. That said… let’s move forward…

The whole point of this exercise is to get an idea of what the general audience believes to be the best films of the year. Sure, The Social Network and The King’s Speech are the toast of the awards circuit with a little love peppered around for The Fighter and Black Swan, but are these the only good films of the year? I don’t think so.

A trip over to IMDb’s Top 250 reminds us films such as Inception, Toy Story 3, True Grit, How to Train Your Dragon, 127 Hours, Tangled, Kick-Ass, Shutter Island, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, The Ghost Writer and The Town found favor among audiences. But I have taken it even farther than that.

Last year I cut the field down to 175 movies before the first round even started. Some people complained a favorite movie of theirs wasn’t on the list. So, this year I have 252 movies from 2010 that make up the first round of voting. After this first round, the following list of 252 movies will be whittled down to 50 as I ask you to vote on your ten favorite films from 2010.

I have listed them in alphabetical order directly below, but before that let’s take a look at a few rules I ask you adhere to:

  • You must vote for no fewer than eight films and can vote for no more than ten.
  • Voting for fewer than eight films will result in having your votes DELETED. No exceptions.
  • First round voting will be left open through Wednesday, February 2. The top 50 films will move on to the second round.*
  • On Thursday, February 3, the second and final round of voting will take place to come up with a top ten list of 2010 as voted on by you.

Last year it was Inglourious Basterds that was voted #1 followed by Avatar, Up, Star Trek and The Hurt Locker rounding out the top five. For those complete results you can click here.

Now, it’s time to vote for your favorite ten from the 252 films listed below. If you have a Facebook or Twitter account be sure to share with others. It would be great to get the widest range of opinions possible. Now get to voting!

UPDATE: I added City Island and Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work at the bottom of the list.

NOTE: Be sure you vote for at least eight movies. A few of you have been voting for only seven and your votes are being deleted. PAY ATTENTION TO THE RULES.

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* If there are films tied for the 50th slot all films tied will be carried over into the final round.

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