James Franco’s Thoughts on ‘127 Hours’ vs. ‘The Social Network’

Thanks goes to Jeff Wells for pointing out this following interview snippet from Movieline‘s Elvis Mitchell in which James Franco gives his (admittedly biased) opinion of his film, 127 Hours, in comparison to The Social Network.

“I know I’m biased; I think it’s the most innovative movie this year,” Franco said in an interview at the ongoing Sundance Film Festival. “Look, Social Network is about new technology and how people are communicating now? Or it’s supposed to be? They don’t deal with any of that! It’s a very classically structured movie and classically made movie. 127 Hours is about a guy — one single character in a single place. That is like the cutting edge of moviemaking. Short of, like, doing it in 3-D or something. […] I think the movie’s perfect. The fact that people are scared shows they just want the old. They want more of the old, boring stuff.”

When Mitchell asks him what he means by “boring stuff” he replies, “People sitting around talking. And then, like, car chases. A couple love stories? I’ve seen, like, three love stories here at Sundance. Traditional love stories!”

Franco’s muffled 3D jab is great and I appreciate his honesty.

You can watch Franco’s answer in the video below and click here for a couple extra quotes from the interview.

Do you agree? Disagree? Discuss below and remember, Franco is co-hosting the Oscars with Anne Hathaway. Does this change your opinion on that decision at all? Does it even factor?

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