What I Watched, What You Watched: Installment #75

I am now five movies away from having seen every single Best Picture winner. It’s taken me quite a while, but it’s also only half the battle. My goal was to not only watch every Best Picture winner, but to be able to talk intelligently about each one and the award year it was involved in. That isn’t something I can do at the moment.

Something I knew very early on while taking my journey back into time as I explored the films of several years ago was that it’s not about having seen the movies, it’s about having seen the movies more than once. If you read through the reviews in Roger Ebert’s Greatest Movies list you will see how his opinion has either changed or become more affirmed after seeing each film again no matter the distance in-between. One thing I always try and make sure to do with my yearly top tens is see the movies more than once so my opinion isn’t purely based on that one, first-time experience.

As much as readers may hate it, the opinions of critics change over time. I know it would be nice to look back at a review I wrote several years ago and feel the exact same way now, but most likely something will have changed, perhaps in my personal or professional life that will cause the message of the movie to effect me differently somehow. I know one of the films I’ll be discussing below is certainly a candidate for that… So let’s get to it…

Pygmalion (1938)
My Fair Lady (1964)
Persona (1967)
Mrs. Miniver (1942)
Terms of Endearment (1983)

So there you have it. Now it’s your turn. What did you watch this past week?

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