Top Ten Most Disappointing Movies of 2010

This film disappointed me from the perspective that I believed Fox had truly learned its lesson after greenlighting two terrible Alien vs. Predator movies. I assumed they would have figured out what the problems were and sorted them out. Instead we got a film that pretty much proved the Predator franchise is a franchise that should have remained a lone film. Predators was slow, the action was limited to blurs off screen and when we finally do get to see the Predator in action it’s with one of the worst samurai sword scenes I have ever seen on film.

For my full review click here.

The love for this half-film is staggering. It’s not a movie people! It’s half of one whole movie.

I also find it curious when people say something along the lines of how “mature” it is. What is so mature about it? Is maturity now equated with a film that is too long and delivers nothing in the end, outside of the promise something will actually happen in Part II?

I firmly believe once Part II is released, and the two parts can be watched together, the discussion will change dramatically as it very well may end up being the single best film of the bunch, but broken into two parts it simply is not a film. Warner Bros. and theater chains would be smart to present both parts as a double-feature, I know that’s how I want to see it on the big screen. Otherwise it means this film won’t truly be able to be enjoyed until both parts are on Blu-ray, which just seems wrong.

For my full review click here.

I was so jazzed when this was set to open the Cannes Film Festival. Then I got out of the film two hours and 11 minutes later and couldn’t believe how bad it was. This, from the duo that brought us Gladiator and Body of Lies (a film I enjoyed much more than most), just isn’t acceptable. I say this having tried to watch Robin Hood a second time and just can’t find the need to waste my time.

For my full review click here.

For almost a year we were hearing about how great Anne Hathaway’s performance in this film was going to be, but that isn’t what got me excited to see it. For me, Hathaway’s much ballyhooed performance was just going to be the cherry on top of the latest Ed Zwick film. Glory, The Last Samurai and Blood Diamond are all favorites of mine and yet, I wasn’t prepared for this Jerry Maguire knock-off.

For my full review click here.

I’m a Woody Allen fan and I say that not even having seen half of his films. However, that’s not a fact I look upon as a negative as much as it maintains a certain knowledge that there is more from Allen I have yet to explore. It’s undiscovered territory and I will always look forward to the next Woody Allen film, just as I can’t wait to see Midnight in Paris this year. However, such anticipation can also lead to a film that disappoints on so many levels.

With You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger it felt as if I was watching a movie and a director on auto-pilot. Had this film been directed by anyone else perhaps I would have met it with more of an open mind, but from Allen it’s simply mediocre. The jokes feel stale and he makes absolutely zero use of his cast, outside of the outrageous Lucy Punch whose character is interesting at first, but soon begins to wear on your patience.

For my full review click here.

I know many of you already listed your most disappointing films of the year in the comments of my Worst of 2010 list, but please restart the conversation here. Also, remember, disappointing films don’t necessarily have to be films you hated. They are just those films you were extremely excited to see and yet when you left the theater your expectations weren’t met.

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