Aronofsky Talks about Why He Chose to Direct ‘The Wolverine’

The screen capture you see above is Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan) talking to David Poland of Movie City News just after he responded to Poland telling him how “gutsy” it was for 20th Century Fox head honcho Tom Rothman to hire Aronofsky to direct The Wolverine. Aronosfky responded saying, “He doesn’t even know how gutsy it is,” and burst out laughing.

The short, 2:38 interview is featured below and should give people a better idea of just what the hell is Aronofsky doing moving to a more commercial project as opposed to his more off-beat features. He tells Poland, “Every single film I’ve done so far, I’ve been the only person in the room who wants to make the movie, and I’m kind of excited about doing a film where actually everyone wants to make it. Just to see what the experience is like and see if I can do what I do in that world.”

The best part is when Aronofsky says, “I think I’m being hired because of who I am. I’m not being hired to turn into someone. I’m being hired to do what I do.

As for Rothman knowing what he’s gotten himself into, “I don’t know exactly if [Tom Rothman] knows what he bought,” Aronofsky said. “We’re definitely going to make something great. But it will be very different and that’s what I do.”

He also addresses the title and just why exactly he’s going with the definite article as opposed to just something like Wolverine 2. In fact, when poland refers to it as a sequel Aronofsky said, “Take off that ‘number two,’ it’s a standalone piece. It has nothing to do with that whole franchise or in that universe.

Check the full interview out below.

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