5:59:57 PM: Colin Farrell is out to announce Best Actress for Musical or Comedy… Gonna be Streep!
6:00:50 PM: Uh, how did Farrell pronounce Marion Cotillard’s name?
6:01:06 PM: And the winner is
6:01:58 PM: How cutesy will this speech be?
6:02:15 PM: How about some Globe trivia for you? Perhaps you already knew Meryl Streep has been nominated for 25 Golden Globes, but did you know two of those nominations were for television shows. “Angels in America” is one, but can you name the other?
6:03:59 PM: Interesting, not gonna play music and usher off T-Bone Streep.
6:07:25 PM: Answer: The other Streep TV nom was for “…First Do No Harm” in 1997.
6:09:11 PM: Helen Mirren looks GREAT!
6:09:23 PM: She is pausing for effect… I think.
6:10:25 PM: Mirren is introducing Precious as a Best Movie (Drama) nominee. Love that film.
6:11:00 PM: Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana announce
6:12:25 PM: Bacon is already over this.
6:13:47 PM: Saldana and Worthington will now hand out actress for the same category and it goes to
6:18:20 PM: Finally a commercial break… That server meltdown has me reeling.
6:20:21 PM: NBC must be sooo happy they have the Olympics, because they are hurting.
6:21:08 PM: No comment on Cameron Diaz… nothing to say that can’t be seen.
6:22:39 PM: Gervais: “It’s not the words you say it’s how good you look when you’re saying them.”
6:23:05 PM: Oh burn, Jennifer Aniston is introduced as Rachel from “Friends”
6:23:43 PM: Aniston and Butler are awarding best screenplay…. go Basterds!
6:25:47 PM: Wow, Jason Reitman’s get cracked up a bit talking about Clooney and then his wife. Now he’s getting played off. How does he get played off and Drew Barrymore doesn’t?
6:26:23 PM: Jennifer Garner and Ashton Kutcher out to announce Best Actor in a TV Series (Comedy/Musical)
6:27:15 PM: And
6:31:41 PM: Sam Jackson is introducing Inglourious Basterds as one of the Best Picture (Drama) nominees.
6:33:06 PM: “We just say bingo.”
6:33:33 PM: Sophia Loren has arrived to announce the award for Best Foreign Film.
6:34:56 PM: My guess is White Ribbon, hoping for A Prophet
6:35:42 PM: And the winner is
6:36:52 PM: The Terminator is in the audience… bein’ all terminatery. Man Michael Haneke is getting played off too.
6:37:43 PM: Zachary Levi and Amy Poehler are announcing Best TV Series (Drama)
6:38:58 PM:
6:41:01 PM: Good lord, the promotion of Taylor Lautner being on the scene is just a nightmare.
6:44:54 PM: What is this Jerry Seinfeld-produced show? This looks awful.
6:45:14 PM: Oh boy, and here is wolf-boy.
6:45:30 PM: He’s announcing 500 Days of Summer as a Best Picture (Musical/Comedy) nominee. I predicted it to win, can it beat The Hangover?
6:46:34 PM: Best Supporting Actress in a TV series is being announced by Kristen Bell and some guy I don’t recognize.
6:47:28 PM:
6:48:32 PM: Music start… now!
6:49:28 PM: Gervias is introducing Halle Berry and her dress shows a bit of boobage.
6:49:57 PM: She’s awarding Best Supporting Actor in a Movie. Waltz will win.
6:50:29 PM: No surprise,
6:51:08 PM: This is a good thing to see, an unknown actor we all feel we already know (or at least love) thanks to a great performance.
6:57:08 PM: De Niro takes the stage to award Martin Scorsese the Cecil B. deMille Award. I will take a break and watch.
6:58:08 PM: Actually, going to offer up a page break first.