QUICK THOUGHTS: My theatrical memories of The Hangover are positive. I gave the film an “A-” when I reviewed it, but I must admit I was skeptical before watching it again. It’s not often I enjoy studio comedies this much, and they are the kind of films that typically disappoint the second time around and as the jokes become stale and the gut-busting laughter subsides. That said, my second go ’round with The Hangover didn’t necessarily disappoint, but it was definitely nowhere near as funny this time and I expect repeated viewings will soften the film even further.
This release includes both the theatrical and unrated cuts of the film and to be honest, watching the unrated cut I have no idea what was added, but I think it’s partially the reason the film didn’t work as well the second time around. The unrated cut is eight minutes longer and while I didn’t notice any additional laughs I felt the additional length. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a funny flick and I had my share of laughs, it just wasn’t the “A-” film I reviewed back in June.
SUPPLEMENTS: As for the supplements, this is a weak, weak package. The gag reel is the only relatively entertaining addition. The picture-in-picture audio commentary with director Todd Phillips and stars Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zach Galifianakis is a complete bore and I’m fairly certain none of them wanted to be there. Phillips resorts to describing the scene we are actually watching, which never makes for a good commentary.
You can follow an interactive map of the film’s progress if you are bored stiff, watch an unimpressive extended version of the “Best Friends” song, listen to the Dan Band perform their version of “Fame” or watch Ken Jeong be “funny” for seven minutes in a series of alternate and extended takes of his scenes. Oh, and those additional pictures from the missing camera featured during the film’s credits are a major disappointment.
FINAL THOUGHTS: It’s a toss-up for me. Personally I would be upset if I spent Blu-ray prices purchasing this disc. As a rental it is a worthy watch, but it’s simply not a film I would return to very often, at least not to the point a Netflix subscription wouldn’t take care of my desire. However, if you are a die heard comedy fan this is a perfectly worthy addition to your collection. It’s still funny after a second viewing, just not as funny.