Josh Brolin, Megan Fox, Michael Fassbender and director Jimmy Hayward were on hand to discuss Jonah Hex based on the comic of the same name centering on the character of Hex (Brolin), known for having the right side of his face disfigured and wearing a Confederate army uniform, was a rough-and-tumble gunslinger and part-time bounty hunter whose adventures always ended in blood. One incarnation of his comic book series saw the Western genre combined with supernatural elements.
They screened a montage of footage that featured plenty of explosions, gun play and Megan Fox riding Brolin like a bucking bronco. It’s a glossy horror-western that looks like it could really go either way. The footage was not necessarily edited together all that well as it was just a bunch of stuff slapped together, but to give you an idea of just what kind of film this is, Hex rides a horse sporting two Gatling guns, which he uses to mow down his opponents. Perhaps horror-western-comedy is the best description. It could be fun. It could be crap. There really is no way to tell at this point. When a better produced trailer hits perhaps I will be able to get a better idea for what’s in store.
Lucky for you, I do have footage from the panel totaling over 18 minutes. It was a pretty fun panel, but it does get a bit annoying as Megan Fox experiences cat calls the entire time and gets an applause merely for taking off her jacket. Brolin keeps things lively though.
The final panel for the massive Warner Bros. presentation was easily the best of the bunch and the most anticipated in my case as Robert Downey Jr., Rachel McAdams and producers Joel Silver, Susan Downey, Lionel Wigram and Dan Lin were all on hand to introduce Sherlock Holmes. I had not seen a single trailer so when they played what amounted to about four minutes of footage in montage style I was seeing it with completely fresh eyes. I can’t say anything necessarily stood out as much as I think this is just going to be an entertaining film. Based on what I saw, the best description would be to say it looks like a Pirates of the Caribbean style film through the eyes of Guy Ritchie. Funny, entertaining, mysterious, occasionally sexy (McAdams looks great) and filled with action. Sound like it is right up my alley.
As for the panel, I will let over 22 minutes of coverage do the talking for me with the video below, which begins with Robert Downey Jr. introducing the film followed by the panel filled with the participants I mentioned above. Enjoy!
As for a final opinion on the overall panel I will say by the end I was quite worn out. It was a lot to digest all at once and a bit overwhelming, which I guarantee you will feel if you try watching all the video I just included and reading all of my constant babbling.
I am interested in Where the Wild Things Are primarily due to the interest everyone else has in the project, Jonah Hex could be fun, I expect Sherlock will be fun, The Box seems like it will be a big hit or a big miss with no in-between, The Book of Eli looks like it will be a film best left for DVD and I am excited to see how A Nightmare on Elm Street turns out.
Whew… I think I am done with this one… I will now go take a 10 hour nap.