Next was the panel for the upcoming A Nightmare on Elm Street remake which included a panel made up of Jackie Earle Haley, director Samuel Bayer and producers Brad Fuller and Andrew Form.
They debuted first look footage of the film, which shows the fiery death of Freddy Krueger (Haley) as he runs out of his shack as a human torch as well as teases what looks like a duplication of the death of Tina from the original as she is tossed around the room by an unseen entity. We got only a brief glimpse of Haley’s make-up as Freddy, but it definitely looks like an all new Krueger while maintaining the burn victim scarring. This one could be good.
You can check out the Q&A session from the panel directly below.
I sort of tuned out the panel for Richard Kelly’s The Box based on Richard Matheson’s six-page short story “Button, Button” after they showed the footage, which apparently is a good thing since I was told Cameron Diaz spoiled the ending of the film. The footage was okay, but it only proved this film isn’t worth judging until you see it.
I did think it was interesting, though, when I heard Kelly say it was a good thing to have the film set in the ’70s since it eliminated the possibility of having the audience wonder why the main characters didn’t just use Google to learn more about the ominous character played by Frank Langella, which is exactly what I was talking about when I wrote my “Is Technology Ruining Movies?” editorial.
The Box hits theaters on October 30.