It happened yesterday morning at 10 AM and it was so big I wasn’t able to get it all put together until just now, but I hope you think it was worth it as Warner Bros. opened up day two of Comic Con with an aggressive two-and-a-half-hour presentation including a look at six of their upcoming films. The studio brought out names including Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Jackie Earle Haley, Cameron Diaz, Josh Brolin, Megan Fox, Robert Downey Jr. and Rachel McAdams to introduce footage and take question and answers from the audience for almost all but one of the movies.
There was a shotgun method to each presentation so actually taking notes and presenting a detailed recap beyond a few bits of commentary isn’t exactly possible with words, but I captured plenty of footage of the Q&A sessions including video from the panels for Where the Wild Things Are, The Book of Eli, Jonah Hex and Sherlock Holmes.
I will provide a few opinions and descriptions where necessary, and tell you which videos you will likely enjoy most, but just cherry pick around and see what appeals to you and maybe bookmark the page and return when you have more time, because some of the panel footage is quite long with most of it averaging out to about 15 minutes each.
Let’s dig in…

For Where the Wild Things Are, star Max Records came out to introduce a new featurette, which I have included below as well as four clips from the film totaling about 10 minutes in length. Already the Internet has gone crazy with the footage that was shown, and while I don’t think anything I saw was bad I don’t understand the wild fascination everyone has for this film. I would love to be in on the anxious anticipation, but I guess I will have to remain an outsider on this one.
Along with the new featurette and trailer I have included video of Records introducing the new footage. It only runs 1:54 and a pretty cool watch as he recounts a conversation he had with “Where the Wild Things Are” author Maurice Sendak who told him, “You know, I really love this movie and I just hope people like it because if not, they can all go straight to hell.” Good stuff.

The trailer for this one (right) debuted online yesterday and was shown again at the Comic Con panel with a rather fun bit of Q&A afterwards with stars Denzel Washington, Mila Kunis, Gary Oldman and directors Albert and Allen Hughes. They also previewed a motion comic that was created to coincide with the film’s release centering on the early years of Billy Carnegie, the character and villain of Book of Eli played by Gary Oldman. For those that watched the “Watchmen” motion comic you already know exactly what to expect, as for me, these things don’t particularly interest me that much.
As for the film itself, based on the trailer, the appearance reminds me a little of the look I envisioned while reading McCarthy’s “The Road,” but I am not sure what to think about the Denzel hand-to-hand combat stuff, which looked a little slow in the trailer and isn’t necessarily what I picture when I think of Denzel, but the story sounds interesting enough so this one may be decent despite its January 2010 release date.
Check out the panel footage below, it was one of the more entertaining panels of the day as Denzel was definitely having a good time.