I think the picture above is what sold me the most on this pick, that and Summer’s penchant to take on action roles that involve her mopping the floor with bad guys. Her roles in Serenity and “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles” should be enough to satisfy the naysayers, but of course once again acting ability comes into play as I have never been all that impressed with her as an actress as much fun as it is to see a little girl beating up people 10-times her size.

I worry I am getting into obvious territory here as much as I am also getting into territory where the likelihood of Kate Beckinsale taking on the role is not too likely. However, one thing I think the role of Lara Croft has going for it is that it was played by Angelina Jolie and the role did nothing to tarnish Jolie’s career. This is a big plus for any actress eyeing the role. Not only do they get a chance to be an action star, but they will get instant comparisons to Jolie as well as a whole new following. Beckinsale has already proven she can be an action star with the Underworld series, she already has the accent and she is gorgeous. When it comes to this pick it’s a matter of getting her to sign the contract.

Rhona is my #1 over Beckinsale for two reasons:
- She has already been Lara Croft (pictured right)
- I think there is a stronger likelihood of her signing
From 1997 through 1998 Mitra filled the shoes of Lara Croft and introduced fans to a whole new Lara. Like Beckinsale she has also had a short stint in the Underworld franchise, and she also showed some action ability in Doomsday even though the movie was awful.
Based purely on the fact Beckinsale received some award buzz for her role in Nothing but the Truth and is probably going to begin trying to hunt down additional kudos I think Mitra would be far more likely to sign on for the role of Lara Croft. On top of that she comes with the necessary dimensions, the looks, the accent and the ability. A perfect choice if you ask me.
Now, you tell me… Answer the poll below based on my picks and share your thoughts in the comments. Am I way off? Who have I forgot?
[poll id = “32”]