Pattinson Gets to the Heart of Stephenie Meyer and Her ‘Twilight’ Series

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I only read the first book in the “Twilight” series and that was enough for me, but I have been told by several others that read the complete series that it reads like a sex fantasy fulfilled with the most gorgeous guy in the world who just so happens to be a vampire. My friends weren’t the only people to think this of these books written by Stephenie Meyer and in a new interview with E!, the star of the upcoming movie, Robert Pattinson, all but calls Meyer a bit on the crazy side for being in love with a fiction character she created:

“When I read it I was convinced Stephenie was convinced she was Bella and it was like it was a book that wasn’t supposed to be published. It was like reading her sexual fantasy, especially when she said it was based on a dream and it was like, ‘Oh I’ve had this dream about this really sexy guy,’ and she just writes this book about it. Like some things about Edward are so specific, I was just convinced, like, ‘This woman is mad. She’s completely mad and she’s in love with her own fictional creation.’ And sometimes you would feel uncomfortable reading this thing.”

With that perspective and considering Pattinson plays Edward, I can see how it would be uncomfortable even meeting Stephenie Meyer, especially if he thinks she is in love with her character. As evidenced by a recent mob scene in San Francisco, a lot of fans seem to think Pattinson is the second coming, what is to stop Meyer from thinking the same thing? She is already on record saying she believes Pattinson’s performance is “Oscar-worthy.” Just by watching Pattinson’s reaction in the interview, you can tell he is a little weirded out by it all. I mean, he calls it a “sick pleasure.”

That quote, of course, is the most controversial when it comes to Pattinson’s opinion of the series and Meyer, but the most interesting is how he also says no one knew how big Twilight was, not even the producers. The film is said to come in budgeted at $37 million (according to Summit; some peg its cost at $40 million-$50 million), but I have to assume the price tag has sky-rocketed, especially since director Catherine Hardwicke recently told MTV the number this first film had to hit in order for the sequel to get greenlit was something like $150 million. Excuse me? Seriously? I just don’t see how the film would have to triple it’s cost at the box-office in order for a sequel to get greenlit, there are still DVD and Blu-ray sales to consider.

I can only assume Summit is making up for the lack of money put into the production itself by putting additional dollars into the marketing (I have an email out to Summit to see if they can give me exact dollar figures, but that is highly unlikely).

Here’s the interview and if you are a Twilight fanatic I just added 15 more images to the gallery, which is now up to 78 total pictures.

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