After watching the 1998 restored version of Orson Welles’ Touch of Evil due out on October 7 in a 50th Anniversary Edition I couldn’t help but dig into the extra special gift I received today. I call it a gift rather than work because what I believe will be my most cherished DVD/Blu-ray review of the year will be the Restored Godfather collection due in stores one week from today, September 23.
Now I just received the discs today and have only watched 10 minutes of The Godfather, but as I watched I immediately noticed the sepia tone that is now featured so prominently and was basically non-existent in the 2001 release of the Godfather Collection and should be evident simply by looking at the Paramount logo above and the following two examples.
Unfortunately my software doesn’t allow me to take screencaptures of my Blu-ray discs so these caps come from the 2001 DVD of The Godfather and the 2008 Restored version. It is only two examples, but I thought it would get your mind working. You can watch the trailer and a featurette for the releases here. My complete review of the collection will be coming soon.