What bandwagon did everyone jump on this week? Why the Larry is Lana bandwagon of course citing that the famed Matrix co-director Larry Wachowski had undergone a sex change and was now Lana Wachowski… Guess what, it ain’t true.
Fox News correspondent Roger Friedman gives us the following:
On Wednesday, I had lovely chats with people at the sound studio in Germany where the Wachowskis have been making the live action version of the Japanese cartoon “Speed Racer.” The folks I spoke to got quite a kick out of the whole thing.
I asked one man in building operations, “Have you seen Larry lately? Does he have breasts now, as rumored? Is he wearing a dress, wondering if it’s making him look fat?”
Laughter. “He looked like a man to me,†was the response.
And what about this Lana business? Said one woman who worked in the “Speed Racer” office: “On the call sheets, it still says Larry. There’s no Lana.†She laughed too.
Friedman also spoke to Speed Racer producer Joel Silver who said, “It’s all untrue… They just don’t do interviews, so people make things up.”
The Wachowskis’ latest film, Speed Racer, hits theaters on May 9, 2008 and stars Emile Hirsch, John Goodman, Susan Sarandon, Christina Ricci, Matthew Fox, Kick Gurry, Scott Porter, Richard Roundtree and Nayo Wallace and is directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski.