G.I. Joe Still in the Works?

When I was a youngster I read and watched everything G.I. Joe related. Oh, who the hell am I kidding, I read a G.I. Joe comic like two weeks ago. I love em. So when El Mayimbe over at LatinoReview.com posted today that he received a personal note (based on his early script review) from Brian Goldner, the exec producer on the project, my interest was piqued. Mr. Goldner said:

We are working to develop a movie script that delivers a contemporary GI JOE vs. COBRA story, inspired by the comic books. We do not yet have one. Hopefully soon….

The rumor out there was that Cobra wasn’t going to be featured in the new movie, which frankly would cause me to go on a killing spree. Cobra is the fun part of G.I. Joe, the entertaining part. Without Cobra you might as well just greenlight a movie about some random special forces team. Perhaps the French Foreign Legion.

However, if they are indeed looking for a story based on the comics they should call me. I have at one point owned every single classic G.I. Joe comic EVER, and I include Special Missions, Tales of Joe, Action Comics (where they teamed up with the Transformers) and even some of the new Image titles. I have the first issue of the comic in my closet, even as you read this. And no, that’s not a euphemism. So how about it Joe? Let’s do this thing!

After reading this back I believe that Dre and Brad are going to make fun of me but I don’t care. I love G.I. Joe. And now that Cobra is back in the mix… well, it’s nothing but blue skies around the Laremy mansion.

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