Germany Wants Cruise and ‘Valkyrie’ Now

Is Germany back-tracking or was the article in Reuters premature when it said “Germany has barred the makers of [Valkyrie] about a plot to kill Adolf Hitler from filming at German military sites because its star Tom Cruise is a Scientologist.”

Well, according to The Hollywood Reporter the German Defense Ministry is scrambling to qualify its stance on the Bryan Singer-Tom Cruise historic thriller saying that despite reports to the contrary, it has no opposition to the film shooting in Germany.

The ministry now says that while it hasn’t received an official request from Valkyrie producers United Artists to shoot in the country, it would “look agreeably” upon any such application.

The controversy apparently started with a posting on the website of conservative German member of parliament Antje Blumenthal. Blumenthal posted a statement Friday claiming that Defense Minister Franz-Josef Jung pledged to her that Cruise would not get permission to shoot because of the purported danger posed by his Scientology.

Blumenthal is a cult expert for the conservative CDU/CSU party and a longtime opponent of Scientology.

Well Blumenthal, looks like you lose. Ha!

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