Crowe and DiCaprio Tell ‘Lies’!

Anytime I see Russell Crowe‘s name lately I get pumped, primarily because he pics really good movies and kicks much ass in all of them. I feel the same way about Leonardo DiCaprio as of late considering I have enjoyed the hell out of his last five films. So, when I hear the two will be teaming up it makes me very happy.

Variety reports that Crowe is set to join Leo in Body of Lies from Departed scripter William Monahan based on the David Ignatius novel with guess who directing… Yup, Ridley Scott for Warner Bros.

Crowe just starred for Scott in A Good Year and will star in Scott’s American Gangster later this year as well as the good old sherriff in the Robin Hood flick Nottingham. Suffice to say, these guys like working together.

In Body of Lies Crowe will play Ed Hoffman, the manipulative CIA boss who teams with operative Roger Ferris (DiCaprio) to trap a dangerous Al Qaeda leader by planting a false rumor that the bomber is in cahoots with the Americans.

Apparently Crowe’s commitment isn’t final just yet as he awaits a final script polish from Steve Zaillian, but I am counting him in based on the Ridley factor alone.

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