Box-Office Wrap-Up: June 15 – June 17

Somehow, someway, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer opened larger than the original – an occurrence that goes against every box office rule but one: There was nothing else opening this weekend. It was only one rule, but a big one I guess.
#1 movie predicted correctly: Seven Weeks In A Row
I lowballed it and paid the price. But I’ve been off way more than this so I’m calling it a win. It also seems like my variance was probably below the 30 percent average most prognosticators shoot for so there’s another win. It’s wins all over the place around here.
Result: $57.4 million (My rank: #1, $13.7m off)
This was a nice prediction, I award myself a third win. At below a 50 percent dop you’ve got the think the Ocean’s producers are pleased too.
Result: $19.1 million (My rank: #2, $2.3m off)
This is getting weird, only a 26 percent drop in the third weekend out. This one is defying the known laws of math. The only way this is happening is that people are still raving. Have you met these people? Are you one of them? Hey, I liked the movie, so I guess I’d say to see it if you haven’t, but it’s just odd that people have waited this long.
Result: $14.5 million (My rank: #3, $4.6m off)
I see what’s going on here, it was just a way stronger weekend than I had thought it would be. The kids must now all officially be out of school.
Result: $12.0 million (My rank: #5, $3.4m off)
Although, if the kids are now officially all out, why did this open last weekend? That could be the worst release date scheduling in history if my theory is correct.
Result: $9.3 million (My rank: #4, $.2m off)
This, like Superman Returns, is becoming easier to hate by the day. Soon I’ll forget my semi-positive review altogether.
Result: $9.0 million (My rank: #6, $1.6m off)
This actually performed decently given that five of the six movies ahead of it were somewhat family friendly too. If it had gotten the same amount of theaters as F4:2 it would have captured fifth place.
Result: $7.1 million (My rank: #7, $2.6m off)
I agree with B-Luv, piracy didn’t hurt this one. People not caring hurt this one.
Result: $3.0 million (My rank: #8, $.4m off)
Is $23m a success here? I think it’s not because that’s not enough to rank in the top 100 of the year (once the year is over). So it looks like no sequel for us.
Result: $2.8 million (My rank: #9, $.7m off)
At least it came comfortably in tenth, that’s nice. Also I was ten for ten, no unranked ones slipped in. All in all, despite the large hiccup at the top, guess what I’m calling this weekend? A win! Who didn’t see that coming?
Result: $2.5 million (My rank: #10, $.5m off)
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