Box-Office Wrap-Up: Jun. 1 – Jun. 3

I’m writing to you from Newark, NJ on very little sleep. Thus, the following transmission may not be entirely lucid.
#1 movie predicted correctly: Five Weeks In A Row
Sequel summer is turning out to be bloodbath summer. None of these titans are reeling in the dollars they planned for. I guess it’s good that we have so many choices, but I’m guessing the studios will stagger release dates a bit more next summer.
Result: $43.1 million (My rank: #1, $22.3m off)
This is a nice result for an R rated comedy, especially given the lack of starpower. What, Jack Sparrow wasn’t funny enough for you? Actually I bet it was the exact same audience, and they’ve already all seen Pirates.
Result: $29.2 million (My rank: #3, $7.0m off)
If I were a parent I would have sent the kids to this and headed off to Knocked Up. In other news I may never be a parent.
Result: $26.7 million (My rank: #2, $2.1m off)
I think this is a respectable result and it will be interesting to see the type of legs this has. Anything over $6m next week means good word of mouth for our boy Costner.
Result: $10.0 million (My rank: #4, $2.6m off)
Remember when this was breaking records? It seems like last year but it was actually last month. It took four weeks for this to plummet from the face of the Earth.
Result: $7.5 million (My rank: #5, $.4m off)
Wow, from the five to the six slot is $5.5m less in box office. At this point the captain has turned off the accuracy light because all the rest of these films made right around zero dollars and zero cents.
Result: $2.0 million (My rank: #8, $.5m off)
I would call this a paddling given they did get 1100 theaters. No fathers or daughters went – the market wasn’t there I guess. Shame. Nice people were behind it.
Result: $1.3 million (My rank: #6, $2.7m off)
8. Bug
I was at an interview with a few other critics and one of them mentioned she loved this one. I should also mention that she might have been an idiot, it was hard to tell in a short time, so I’m not exactly begging you to run out to see this.
Result: $1.2 million (My rank: #7, $1.4m off)
Hostel II comes out this weekend, you’ve got to think it will make more than this one right? The studios seem to be hiding both of them though so maybe I’m off.
Result: $1.2 million (My rank: #9, $.3m off)
Well, despite my destruction on accuracy at the top I still managed to get all top ten in my top ten. I avoided the dreaded “Not Ranked” and for that I am awarding myself a plane ride back to Seattle. Trust me when I say that’s the highest honor I could attain at this juncture.
Result: $1.1 million (My rank: #10, $.3m off)
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