Box-Office Oracle: May 25 – May 28

#1 movie predicted correctly: Three weeks in a row
For the record this is a four day prediction. I am NOT projecting Pirates to take Spider-Man 3‘s three day haul down. If you want a little bonus number I’ve got this one at $139.5 after three days. So you’ll have to check back on Monday for the Oracle wrap up. Don’t get mad when it’s not up Sunday, k?
Estimate: $182.8 million
Hmm, I just thought of something that could screw my numbers up. If more people head out to the theater on Sunday because they are off Monday that would mean more money wouldn’t it? Oh well, it’s too late, I’ve already queried the database with the parameters I set so I’m just going to roll with the punches. I’ve been right with the wrong idea before.
Estimate: $90.6 million
The production budget was reportedly $258m and they’ve cleared $377m (or $754m divided by two for the theaters share). But ask yourself, how much was that marketing budget? The first one made $821m total on $139m budget. So this third version will need to hit near a billion dollars worldwide to match the financial success. Not happening.
Estimate: $20.2 million
4. Bug
Hello Bug! 1600 theaters means bad news my little friend, and I’ve probably overrated you given the three films in front. But I can’t cheer against Mr. Connick Jr. Ever since Hope Floats I’ve wanted him to make things right between us.
Estimate: $8.9 million
The top three films will make 93 percent of the total box office dollars this weekend. And yet I have to divide the text equally between them. You figure it out.
Estimate: $3.9 million
Here’s where I come down: Shia has naked pictures of all the studio heads. How else do you explain the career that’s been gift wrapped for him?
Estimate: $2.9 million
Lohan’s stripper shots are starting to surface on the internet (from the movie I Know Who Killed Me). This should only help her career as a serious actor, especially given the sexpot she played in this one.
Estimate: $2.6 million
They’ve announced the DVD plans even though it’s still in the top ten. Frankly, it may never leave the top ten.
Estimate: $1.7 million
Do you watch PTI? I do. I like it. That’s just a good show.
Estimate: $1.2 million
Laremy lounge! If you haven’t seen Hot Fuzz yet you’re not a true movie geek. Whether that’s good or bad is up to you. See you Monday.
Estimate: $.9 million

————————————————, not one percent as good as this site.

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