Peter Jackson Plus ‘Lovely Bones’ Equals Good.

News that I know a little something about, Peter Jackson and his next project, The Lovely Bones (from Variety):

Peter Jackson always said his next film would be the bigscreen adaptation of Alice Sebold’s novel “The Lovely Bones” instead of another big-budget project. Making good on that promise, the New Zealand filmmaker’s spec script began making the rounds Monday, with Jackson looking for a studio partner.

I read The Lovely Bones a few years back and it really impressed me. It’s a depressing story on the surface, but a beautiful one too, here’s the quick hit synopsis for those of you unawares:

Sebold’s tome tells the story of a 14-year-old girl who is raped and killed. Her spirit, however, keeps watch over her family and her killer.

Date night at the movies! No, but seriously, the book is really effective at imagery and does a great job at not making the story one of victimization. The book, if anything, is a mystery and a drama rolled into one.

I’m interested to see how Pete Jackson writes and directs this, I think it lends itself to the big screen but it’s not a Frodo or Kong spectacle style of work. I remember telling someone about The Lovely Bones when I finished it, they asked how it was and I told them it was “like smacking your face against concrete.” Believe it or not, I meant that as a huge compliment to the writer, Alice Sebold.

So call me a fan here. If Jackson pulls this off I may devote a religion to him.

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