One thing it looks like Spider-Man 3 will try to do is go a little bit darker this time around while maintaining the PG-13 rating. That’s okay, dark can be achieved with PG-13, Batman Begins is a great example. However, I don’t think they can stick to it as Raimi’s directing is too tongue-in-cheek and quirky to go too dark for too long.
Considering I haven’t seen Spider-Man 3 just yet, but will be soon, I can’t tell you how much of the film Aunt May dominates, but if the 12% of the film history holds true that means this time around we will get a whopping 16:48 of her! We already know that Aunt May is in at least 2:50 of this installment as I have the clip posted right here and it is brutal. So, that leaves just shy of 14 minutes left for her to apprehend.
We will just have to wait and see how it all plays out.