Eddie Griffin … Spazz

The Ferrari Enzo is a rare 6 liter, V12 monster that utilizes Formula 1 technology. The speedometer’s redline maxes out at 250mph. Only 400 models have been made since 2002. It retails at $1.5 million. And Eddie Griffin, star of Undercover Brother, just destroyed one. During a promotional event for his upcoming film, RedLine (which looks awful) , Griffin acelertated a bit too much on a turn and ended up slamming executive producer Daniel Sedak’s Ferrari Enzo into a wall. So what did Griffin – who was OK after the accident – have to say for himself? “Undercover Brother’s good at karate and all the rest of that, but the brother can’t drive,”

Um, Eddie … you totaled a rare $1.5 mil car and all you can do is make some lame-ass joke? No word yet if Sedak has elected to have Griffin killed but he seems to have taken the whole thing pretty well …“I’m glad Eddie came out of the crash OK, but my dream car got destroyed,” Sadek said. “I went to my trailer for about 15 minutes and I thought, there’s people dying every day. A lot of worse things are happening in the world.”

You can read the entire story right HERE. You can also view the entire incident on video HERE as well.

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