Three New ‘Episode III’ Pics

Gareth over at was kind enough to send over three pics he received for the upcoming 2005 release Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, and who are we to deny you a chance to check these out?

We have included smaller looks below along with explanations Gareth provided for each scene, but if you would like to skip the SPOILER commentary just click here to check out the pics themselves. Other than that check out the text below and click on any of the pics at any time for the larger versions.

Warning SPOILERS below!

The one of Yoda kneeling is the aftermath of his duel with Sidious. If you note the cane off to the side, it is clear that Yoda has been fighting as he only discards this during combat or when sitting.

The second pic is Mace (Sam Jackson) and the Jedi coming to confront Palpatine after Yoda has implicated him as the Sith Master. This is where Palpatine reveals himself and Mace and the others die. It is also where Anakin selects to due his duty to guard Palpatine rather than support the Jedi effort. Mace and the other Jedi all die here.

The final shot is the aftermath of Palpatine as he his is forced to show himself, his true nature comes forth, hence the line in the original series “Your Eyes can Deceive you, dont trust them”.


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