Cuaron’s Next CHILDREN OF MAN?

Sci-Fi Wire reports that Prisoner of Azkaban director Alfonso Cuaron may be looking at the science fiction flick Children of Man for his next feature.

“That’s a big possibility,” Cuaron said in an interview. “I need to see what happens at the end of this [Azkaban] process. I would love to do that.”

He also told Sci-Fi that he would be penning the script as well, “It’s the world 30 years from now, [a time] in which for 18 years no human child has been born, for unknown reasons. Civilizations are falling apart. England is the last remaining civilization as we know it, because it’s an island that’s insulated itself from Europe, which is in civil wars and complete pandemonium. So the story takes place in that context. It’s a story about hope and faith.”

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