INDY 4 Still Being Discussed

With news going back and forth over the status of the fourth film in the Indiana Jones saga every little bit of encouraging news is exciting. This time news comes from The Daily Telegraph as John Rhys-Davies, recognized for his recent role as Gimli in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Sallah in two of the Jones films, talks a bit about the film.

The article points out that Rhys-Davies hinted that a new film finally looks set to go ahead.

“I was talking to Steven Spielberg the other day … we discussed a fourth one,” said Rhys-Davies, who is in Australia for a science fiction convention due to his role as Gimli in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

“We’re in with the chance of making something absolutely extraordinary,” he added.

“George Lucas had reservations about the script and he said, ‘The only way I can express my reservations is making another pass at the script myself’, so it’s gone back at least a year.

“It is the intention of these three great filmmakers [Lucas, Spielberg and Ford] to make another one.”

Whether all this means that the fourth film will actually be a go still remains in the air, but at least it is some encouraging news.

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