If you haven’t seen some of the more original marketing movie studios are starting to do for their films it is time to check one out as Fox Searchlight Pictures has launched a fictional corporate website based on the company established in their upcoming comedy I Heart Huckabees, starring Dustin Hoffman, Jude Law, Lily Tomlin, Mark Wahlberg and Naomi Watts.

Huckabees is about just that, Huckabees, Inc., a company describing itself as being dedicated to bringing value to communities across the country and the world. While our low retail prices are one way that we accomplish this goal, it is our commitment to our shared values as Americans that is the guiding principle we rely on to guarantee success.

To get more info on the company and its comical site click here, or check out the second fictional site developed for the “Open Spaces Coalition,” an organization designed to “Save the Marsh” by engaging in a fierce struggle with monied developers over the fate of this precious land and all of the creature that depend on it for survival. For more on the Coalition click here.

For more info on the film, plus a look at the teaser trailer click here.

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