Zombies Make Chernobyl Their NECROPOLIS

You a zombie, horror and gore fan? How about Dawn of the Dead, did you like the remake? If so then news that there is going to be a film titled Return of the Living Dead 4: Necropolis coming out is sure to get you excited, the crazy thing is that the film is begining production in Chernobyl, site of one of, if not the, most catastrophic nuclear meltdowns of all-time.

CNN reports that despite the deadly core, buried in a concrete and steel sarcophagus, Hollywood has decided this is the place for a feature film.

Ukrainian-born producer Anatoly Fradis told CNN, “Up to a couple of days before we began shooting, it was touch-and-go whether they would let us in, and I had to pay more than I had budgeted to secure the permission.”

Shooting will take place for two days only, and it will be a zombie free shoot as the scenes will be used for the opening sequence. Living Dead 4 is going to be the fourth film in a five part series with part 5, Return of the Living Dead 5: Rave from the Grave, being shot at the same time. The zombie-free Chernobyl scenes are for the opening, in which a rogue ex-CIA agent is seen stealing the world’s last five canisters of Trioxyn gas, the lifeblood of the living dead.

“Chernobyl is very spooky and serves our purpose — we are shooting in all these abandoned towns and villages, with rusting equipment lying around everywhere,” Fradis said.

The sense of a post-apocalyptic world dawns as we follow the Chaika around the Chernobyl district.

Grass and shrubs sprout from holes in the sides of crumbling cottages. A graveyard for helicopters, fire trucks and other equipment used in the cleanup operation in 1986 stretches beside a road. In Pripyat, the deserted town that once housed the reactor’s work force and their families, children’s toys still litter the rubbish-strewn kindergarten, and fading Soviet slogans adorn the sides of gaunt concrete apartment blocks.

Thanks to ‘Gareth’ over at SKNR.net for the heads up.

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