Will ALIEN VS. PREDATOR Be Toned Down for the Kids?

Before we begin I would just like to warn any fans of the Alien and Predator franchises to be prepared for what may be the worst news in the continuing saga of studios toning down their films for mass audiences.

In a world where vampire/werewolf films are being turned into PG-13 cartoons it looks as if yet another film is set to suffer the same fate. Alien vs. Predator may be one of the most anticipated fanboy films in a long time, based on the ultra-violent films in the Alien and Predator series the film plots the facehugging Aliens versus the technologically advanced Predators in a battle for survival, but apparently that battle is going to be rated PG-13!

Word has just come in from Gareth over at SKNR.net with the news and here is what he wrote:

With the recent news that I ran saying that AVP was projected to get a

PG-13 rating, I have been flooded with requests for more information. Some

requests have been flaming citing E! as saying the film was going to gain

an R rating and that they have announced it. In response I wrote to the head of the local Fox PR office, and the outlet, which is in daily talk with Fox

regarding coming films replied to me saying, “PG 13 is the projected rating.”

Let’s all cross our fingers in unison and hope this news will change, thanks to Gareth for the news!

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