RopeofSilicon.com has just received nine new images from the upcoming Denzel Washington thriller The Manchurian Candidate, which follows Army Major Bennett Marco, a career soldier who grows suspicious about his experience in Desert Storm after Squad Sergeant Raymond Shaw (Liev Schreiber), son of the powerful Senator Eleanor Shaw (Meryl Streep), becomes a candidate for Vice President.

To check out the pics just click here to go to the Photo Book, but wait, there’s more!

Wireless gamers across the country can now portray the lead character of Paramount Picture’s The Manchurian Candidate, Ben Marco, in the new The Manchurian Candidate Voice Recognition game, presented by Paramount Pictures and featuring prizing provided by Kyocera Wireless. The game gives players a taste of this highly anticipated psychological thriller before it hits theaters July 30.

Beginning today, contestants can register at www.manchuriangame.com, the official movie web site or at Kyocera’s www.SliderStyle.com for a chance to win an exclusive screening of the new movie in their hometown or a Kyocera Slider SE47 wireless phone. The game begins July 7 and will conclude July 28. All players will be entered into a sweepstakes for the Grand Prize of a special screening of Manchurian Candidate and a Kyocera Slider SE47 phone. Additionally, another 50 entrants will receive their own Kyocera Slider SE47.

During a pre-determined time period each day, players will help Ben Marco and other characters in the movie in their quest to gain information about his unit’s mysterious experience during Desert Storm. Players prompt characters’ next moves with their own voices; a wise choice moves players ahead in the game, a poor choice puts them on the Danger path, and two poor choices eliminates the player from the game. Contestants are able to restart the game play by returning to www.manchuriangame.com.

The game, written by The Manchurian Candidate co-screenwriter Dan Pyne, puts players in the plot of the movie with story messages (no spoilers!) and audio pulled directly from the film. Players can then choose from a number of options to advise the movie character or ask for a clue.

The game is broken up into two levels. Those players who’ve made the right decisions throughout Level 1 progress onto Level 2, where the scenarios, missions and decisions become even more intense and challenging. Level 1 includes calls from various characters in the film such as FBI Special Agent Goldring, who’s after Marco and may be part of the conspiracy; Colonel Garrett, who’s suspicious of Marco’s stories; and Raymond Shaw, a member of Marco’s Army unit and VP candidate; and many others. Level 2 is exclusively with Al Melvin from Marco’s Desert Storm unit, and Delp, who may be Marco’s only hope.

Have fun!

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