Jack Black Talks KING KONG

When I heard Jack Black was going to be starring in Peter Jackson’s version of King Kong I thought it was just as stupid as the idea to bring the giant ape that does nothing of any real interest back to the big screen, but after reading Black’s Kong preview that he gave to MTV behind the scenes at the 2004 MTV Movie Awards the outlook has improved.

Black told MTV, “There are some funny things about my character but, yeah, it is a different thing for me,” Black revealed backstage at the 2004 MTV Movie Awards. “But I’m not approaching it differently. I’m approaching it with the same balls-to-the-wall attitude.”

And there’ll be a similar attitude throughout Peter Jackson’s “Kong” remake, which Black promised will feature a much fiercer giant gorilla than some of the kinder, gentler versions.

“I just read the script for the first time. It’s so rad. And it’s top secret. I can’t tell you much, but I can tell you this,” he teased. “King Kong is going to be scary as hell, dude. He’s not gonna be sweet and cuddly. It’s not gonna be the cute kind [of movie]. He’s a f—ing carnivore, as in, eats flesh!”

Get the rest of the story by clicking here and heading on over to MTV News, and to get more on the flick click the link below.

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