Hitting theaters tonight, Terminator Genisys reignites James Cameron’s science fiction thriller franchise with a new installment directed by Thor: The Dark World and “Game of Thrones” helmer Alan Taylor. Thanks to a divergent timeline, the franchise’s fifth installment offers new takes on characters like Sarah Connor, Kyle Reese and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s own T-800. It’s the latter who is the focus of the first Hot Toys figure dedicated to the new film and, in the gallery viewer below, you can take a look at the company’s intricately-detailed release.
Nicknamed “Guardian,” this version of the T-800 was sent back to the past by a mysterious force to protect a young Sarah Connor (Emilia Clarke) from other Terminators that will be sent after her, including the original T-800 introduced in the 1984 original.
“The T-800 Guardian collectible is specially crafted based on the image of Arnold Schwarzenegger from the movie,” reads Hot Toys’ official description. “It features two newly developed head sculpts, leather-like jacket licensed by the oldest British brand of motorcycles and clothing – Matchless London, detailed weapon and a LED light-up figure base.”
All this week, be sure to check out our continuing series of video interviews with the cast and crew of Terminator Genisys. Right now, you can watch one featuring Emilia Clarke and another with both Jai Courtney and Jason Clarke. Then, come back tomorrow for Arnold himself and at the end of the week to watch as everyone discusses the future of the franchise.
Hot Toys - Terminator Guardian T-800
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys
Terminator Genisys