Marvel Studios recently revealed new footage from Captain America: Brave New World, featuring a significant callback to Black Panther. The latest TV spot showcases Sam Wilson’s upgraded wings, hinting at a Wakandan-inspired power previously seen in T’Challa’s suit. The footage provides a glimpse of how Sam’s new abilities will play a crucial role in his battle against Red Hulk and other threats in the upcoming film.
Sam Wilson’s Black Panther ability teased for Captain America: Brave New World
A TV spot for Captain America 4: Brave New World reveals a Black Panther-inspired Easter egg. The footage shows Sam Wilson’s wings emitting a purple kinetic energy glow, similar to the technology used in King T’Challa’s suit, which absorbs hits and stores kinetic energy for offensive use.
The film marks Anthony Mackie’s first solo MCU movie as Captain America, where he will face powerful adversaries like the Red Hulk and the Leader. The upgraded Wakandan wings, along with the Captain America shield, will help Sam Wilson tackle these threats.
During his battle with Thunderbolt Ross (Red Hulk), Sam’s wings charge with purple energy as they absorb each hit, suggesting kinetic absorption abilities. Shuri first incorporated this feature in T’Challa’s Black Panther suit, which appeared in Black Panther and other MCU films.
Sam’s new wings significantly improve on his previous gear from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. His earlier wings could not absorb or store kinetic energy. This upgrade demonstrates Wakanda’s ongoing impact on his equipment in the MCU.
The plot focuses on Sam Wilson facing two key threats. The Leader, returning from The Incredible Hulk (2008), brings near-superhuman intelligence. Red Hulk, played by Harrison Ford, poses a physical threat as the transformed U.S. President.
Captain America: Brave New World releases on February 14. It will showcase Sam Wilson’s evolution as Captain America and his use of advanced Wakandan technology.
Originally reported by Anubhav Chaudhry on SuperHeroHype.