Laurie Strode’s House From Halloween Is Now for Sale

Do you ever wish you could look outside your bedroom window and see a masked man in a boiler suit silently staring up at you behind some sheets drying on the line?

Well, no because that would be worrying, but if I say you could recreate that exact scene from John Carpenter’s 1978 classic Halloween in that same exact house, would that be better? Because now you can. You just need a bit of money spare is all.

Yes, one of Haddonfield’s safer houses on that fateful Halloween night is up for sale in real life. You can live in the house that Strode built (well, bought) and live out your lifelong Jamie Lee Curtis dreams.

The Night You Came Home

Laurie Strode’s home from Halloween is on the market, and while it’s not the most iconic of the homes featured in the slasher icon, it was, fictionally, the residence of one of horror’s greatest Final Girls.

The home is situated in South Pasadena, California, and was listed last week for the modest sum of just under $1.8 million. That’s the price for living in a part of cinematic history I guess. There’s no mention in the listing of the home’s most notable feature. Probably so you don’t try haggling for a massive discount because you saw the boogeyman in the backyard.

It’s not the Myers house, but fiction or not, I wouldn’t dare risk moving into that one at this time of year anyway. Plus I might be just a few dollars short on the asking price of either house.

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