Disney, and in turn, Star Wars, rules the world. ComingSoon.net is taking a look at some films that tried to replicate the franchise’s initial success…with mixed results. Check out our picks in the gallery below!
It’s hard to come up with a GOOD original idea. Obviously George Lucas’ Star Wars changed the game in 77′ by doing just that. After it blew up, a lot of filmmakers recognized his success story; an “out there” script turning into this giant franchise. Mark Hammil has described his original impression of the film’s premise as wacky.
Sometimes risks like the one Lucas made pay off, other times risks do not pay off—like trying to ride the coattails of an already successful idea (not to say Hollywood doesn’t do this a lot). Again, we must stress the arduous nature of originality… Here are the worst Star Wars ripoffs ever.
Worst 'Star Wars' Rip-Offs
Message from Space (1978)
This Japanese "space opera" has a staggering amount of similarities with Star Wars. There's an evil empire, a princess and well, look at that picture.
The Humanoid (1979)
The film begins with text running down the screen, describing the current state of events. It escalates from there.
Krull (1983)
Beyond featuring space, princesses and Liam Neeson, this film doesn't share too many blatant similarities with Star Wars. It just lost it's way trying to do too much; replicating the success of Lucas is no small feat.
Turkish Star Wars (1982)
This movie wasn't originally called "Turkish Star Wars," but it was so obvious, the title became more tongue in cheek.
Space Raiders (1983)
This movie had audacity the to use the same special effects and score.
The Last Starfighter (1984)
If Star Wars and Tron had a baby, it would be this. The main character gets to meet a bunch of Star Wars-esque aliens thanks to a video game.
Star Odyssey (1979)
A lazy, obvious and deplorable Italian rip-off of Star Wars. Laser swords and all.
Starcrash (1978)
Nice light saber David Hasselhoff.
The Black Hole (1979)
If turning to the dark side means merging with a villainous robot and then going to hell...isn't that sort of a metaphor for Darth Vader.