Earlier this week, we bemoaned the lack of updates on the upcoming Star Trek The Video Game from Namco Bandai Games and our grousing has been rewarded since Paramount Pictures has begun a series of ‘Making of’ videos they’ll be revealing on YouTube over the next few weeks and you can find the first video below.
Playing as Kirk and Spock, gamers must face-off against the villainous Gorn the formidable enemy first introduced in the classic 1967 Star Trek television episode Arena. Their battles will take them into familiar locations, like the bridge, transporter room and the engine room but also deep into many areas of the ship that have never been seen on film before, including the Enterprises turbolift shafts, observation lounge, engineering decks and officers quarters. This epic action adventure features an original storyline and provides immersive co-op gameplay.
Developed by NAMCO Bandai games, Star Trek The Video Game will be released on April 23, 2013 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.