Power Rangers Zords: A guide to their Mighty Morphin’ giant robots
Earlier this week, we took a look at the evolution of the looks of the titular Power Rangers across their countless TV seasons and feature films, but the looks of the Power Rangers themselves aren’t even the most iconic thing about the series – that would be their Zords. Giant robots in the shape of animals, ninjas, constellations, or just regular cars, the Zords are the Power Rangers’ ultimate weapon in fighting evil in the world. In the gallery below, you’ll find a full run down of the various Power Rangers Zords throughout the franchise’s history from the first season to this week’s brand-new movie. Check it out and sound off with your favorite in the comments below!
Saban’s Power Rangers follows five ordinary high school kids who must become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove – and the world – is on the verge of being obliterated by an alien threat. Chosen by destiny, our heroes quickly discover that they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do so they will have to overcome their real-life issues and band together as the Power Rangers before it is too late.
The Power Rangers cast includes Dacre Montgomery (A Few Less Men) as Jason the Red Ranger, RJ Cyler (Me and Earl and the Dying Girl) as Billy the Blue Ranger, Naomi Scott (The 33) as Kimberly the Pink Ranger, Becky G (Empire) as Trini the Yellow Ranger, Ludi Lin (Monster Hunt) as Zack the Black Ranger, with Bill Hader (Saturday Night Live) voicing Alpha 5, Bryan Cranston (“Breaking Bad,” Godzilla) as Zordon, and Elizabeth Banks as villain Rita Repulsa.
Directed by Dean Israelite (Project Almanac), Power Rangers is written by John Gatins (Kong: Skull Island, Real Steel), Burk Sharpless and Matt Sazama (Dracula Untold), Zack Stentz and Ashley Miller (X-Men: First Class, Thor), and Max Landis (Chronicle). Producers are Power Rangers creator Haim Saban, Brian Casentini, Wyck Godfrey, and Marty Bowen (The Twilight Saga, The Fault in Our Stars, The Maze Runner franchise).
Power Rangers Zords Guide
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 1)
The first season of MMPR featured the (primarily) dinosaur-themed set of Zords, including the Tyrannosaurus, Mastodon, Triceratops, Saber-Toothed Tiger and Pterodactyl. In addition, the series' Green Ranger had his own Zord, the Dragon Zord.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 1)
The five Zords combined to form the original Megazord and an additional combination with the Megazord and the Dragonzord.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 2)
The second season of MMPR featured a mythical creature theme for the Zords including a Lion, Firebird, Unicorn, Griffin, and Red Dragon. The Green Ranger-turned-White Ranger also had his own Zord called the White Tiger.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 2)
The five combine into the Thunder Megazord in the series, while the White Tiger has its own Megazord formation as well.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
The feature film, which introduced the ninja variants of the titular heroes, also delivered new Zords, all in an animal theme including the Ape, Frog, Wolf, Bear, Crane, and Falcon.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
The primary five Zords could combine to form the Ninja MegaZord, with the Falcon capable of attaching itself to the back to lend its flight abilities.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 3)
The third season of the series introduced bipedal ShogunZords, which weren't based on any particular type of animal or theme and only corresponded to the colors of the Rangers piloting them.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 3)
Naturally, they all combine.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 3)
The third season also introduces Ninjor, creator of the Ninjazords and power coins, who sometimes fights alongside the Rangers in battle.
Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers
The fourth season introduced the Battle Borgs instead of new Zords, which were simply humanoid robots that surprisingly didn't combine into a Megazord.
Power Rangers Zeo
The fifth season saw the Zords themed after mythological creatures and structures including the Moai statue, the Dogu statue, the Sphinx, Taurus the Bull, and the Phoenix.
Power Rangers Zeo
The difference in the Zeo Megazord are how it was capable of having different helmets (from the various Zords) for various situations.
Power Rangers Zeo
Later in the series the Super Zeo Zords would be revealed which were giant versions of the Rangers themselves, they also had their own Megazord formation.
Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
The second feature film, and the subsequent season of the series, featured car-themed Zords for the Rangers, including the Red Lightning, Mountain Blaster, Desert Thunder, Dune Star, and the Wind Chaser.
Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
The five vehicles combined into their own Megazord as per usual.
Power Rangers Turbo
Though most of the series saw the titular heroes using the same Turbo Zords, later in the series they were given the Rescue Zords, based on the Firetruck, Police Car, Dump Truck, a race car and an Ambulance which all form together into another all-new Megazord.
Power Rangers in Space
Naturally the Zords for this season were space-themed, including an Astronaut humanoid, Space shuttle, Rocket, UFO and a lunar rover.
Power Rangers in Space
The series actually featured two Megazords, one for the five space zords but also the Astro Megazord, made up of the Astro Megaship and Astro Megashuttle.
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
The seventh series featured the Galacta Beasts, the Lion, Condor, Gorilla, Wolf, and Wildcat.
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
There are actually three different Megazords in this season, including the Galacta Beasts Megazord but also the Centaurus Megazord and the Stratoforce Megazord.
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
The eighth season in the series had three distinct sets of Zords, the first based on cars...
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
the second based on trains....
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
and the third based on shuttles.
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
And you guessed it, they all have their own Megazord formations.
Power Rangers Time Force
The ninth series had five zords for the main rangers, all based on various jets and ships, with a sixth called the Quantasaurus Rex for the Quantum Ranger.
Power Rangers Time Force
The five Zords combine into a Megazord which has three different forms, including Red, Blue, and a Jet formation.
Power Rangers Wild Force
The series actually features a number of animal-themed Zords including the Red Lion, Blue Shark, Black Bison, Yellow Eagle, and White Tiger as the core five. In addition, a few others later debuted including an Elephant, Wolf, Hammerhead, Alligator, Giraffe, Black Bear, Polar Bear, Gorilla, Falcon, Armadillo, Rhino, and Deer.
Power Rangers Wild Force
Three different Megazords were used by the heroes in the series including the Wild Force Megazord, the Predazord, and the Isis Megazord.
Power Rangers Wild Force
A fourth Megazord appeared later in the series, an ancient zord named Animus who came to their aid when they needed the help. He's made up of the Black Lion, Condor, Saw Shark, Buffalo, and Jaguar.
Power Rangers Ninja Storm
The Ninja Storm team consists of just three main Rangers whose primary Zords were the Hawkzord, Lionzord, and Dolphinzord. The other three Rangers that would later join the team had their own, more advanced Rangers, which were the Crimson Insectizord, the Navy Beetlezord, and Samurai Star Chopper.
Power Rangers Ninja Storm
The three primary Ranger's Zords all formed together to make one Megazord, while the Instectizord and the Beetlezord combined into another. The third was a combination of the two as well.
Power Rangers Dino Thunder
The 12th season of the series brought back the dinosaur-theme for the Zords but introduced many, many more for the titular heroes including Tyrannozord, Tricerazord, Pterazord, Brachiozord. Cephalazord, Dimetrozord, Parasaurzord, Ankylozord, Stegazord, Dragozord, and the Mezodon Rover.
Power Rangers Dino Thunder
With that many different there are also a number of Megazord combinations with three primary formations, the Thundersaurus Megazord, DinoStegazord, and Triceramax Megazord.
Power Rangers S.P.D.
The S.P.D. Rangers had two sets of primary Zords, the first a set of five different flying Zords dubbed “SWAT Flyers” and the second a series of different vehicles, including a police car, a gyro-copter, trailer truck, armored truck, and a buggy.
Power Rangers S.P.D.
Both series of Zords form into their own Megazord in addition to the Omegamax Cycle piloted by the Omega Ranger.
Power Rangers Mystic Force
The Zords for the 14th season were humanoid Zords instead of the traditional animal-themed ones, though they did still have a mythical theme to them as well, including the Phoenix, Garuda, Mermaid, Sprite, and Minotaur.
Power Rangers Mystic Force
Four of these Zords (excluding the Phoenix) are capable of morphing into one formation, the Mystic Dragon, but they can then form with the Phoenix to create the Titan Megazord.
Power Rangers Mystic Force
Some additional Zords also appear in the series, including the Solar Streak, a train piloted by the Solaris Knight, as well as the Legendary Firebird and Lion Zords, and two mounts, Catastros and Brightstar.
Power Rangers Mystic Force
The Solaris Knight is capable of turning into its own Megazord as well, along with a third formation from the Firebird and Lion.
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
The 15th season of the series saw the heroes with three sets of Zords, all mostly car and industrial vehicle themed. The first set includes a dump truck, a Formula 1 car, a Gyrocopter, a bulldozer, and a Submarine; the second a giant drill, an excavator, a cementer mixer, a crane, and a jet; and the third the BattleFleet Zords made up of armored vehicles and fighter jets.
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
All three sets of Zords are capable of forming their own Megazord with the DualDrive and DriveMax capable of combing together to create another bigger Megazord.
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
The Mercury Ranger in the series also has three Zords to himself, the Fire Truck Zord, and the Rescue Runner 1 and 2; all of which can combine into a Megazord.
Power Rangers Jungle Fury
The Jungle Fury series had a larger than normal cast of Rangers, with the five core members having the Tiger, Cheetah, Jaguar, Wolf, and Rhino. The five other members of the cast, the Elephant, Bat, Shark, Lion, and Chameleon Rangers, all have their own corresponding Zords as well.
Power Rangers Jungle Fury
The main three Ranger Zords (Tiger, Cheetah, and Jaguar) combine into the Jungle Pride Megazord, which can combine with many of the other mentioned Zords to form different variations.
Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Later in the series, the three primary Rangers got even newer Zords, the Gorilla, Penguin, and Antelope, which formed into the Jungle Master Megazord.
Power Rangers RPM
The 17th season in the series featured a combination of animal and cars for the Zords, a first for the franchise really. The ones included are Eagle Racer, Lion Hauler, Bear Crawler, Tail Spinner, Wolf Cruiser, Croc Carrier, Falcon Zord, Tiger Jet, Whale Zord, and the Paleozord (made up of three compartments).
Power Rangers RPM
Given the sheer amount of Zords in the series, it shouldn't surprise you to know there are seven different Megazords in this version as well.
Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai
The 18th and 19th seasons in the series featured a few different Zords despite having just six Rangers on its team. The Zords (themed after origami animals) include the Lion, Dragon, Turtle, Bear, Ape, Beetle, Swordish, and Tiger. Some other auxiliary Zords also appear, including the ClawZord, OctoZord, BullZord, and SharkZord.
Power Rangers Samurai/Super Samurai
The theme of multiple versions of Megazords continued with the series, including the main Samurai Megazord plus the Samurai Battlewing and bigger versions combining the auxiliary Zords into it.
Power Rangers Megaforce
The 20th season of the series included two different sets of Zords for the main Rangers with the first set including the Dragon, Phoenix, Snake, Tiger, and Shark Zords and the second featuring the Bird, Rhino Beetle, Crocodile. Elephant, and Dolphin Zords.
Power Rangers Megaforce
The first set of Zords combine into a traditional MegaZord while the second set combine into a giant Jet MegaZord.
Power Rangers Super Megaforce
The Rangers were given another set of Zords including the Mega Skyship, Mega Jet, Mega Wheeler, Mega Racer, and Mega Sub, which all combine into their own Megazord.
Power Rangers Dino Charge
The 22nd and 23rd featured one of the largest cast of Rangers with a wide variety of Zords among them including T-Rex, Stego, Tricera, Para, Raptor, Spino, Ankylo, and Pachy Zords.
Power Rangers Dino Charge
There are a number of different Megazords in the series as well including the Dino Charge Megazord, and Spino Charge Megazord.
Power Rangers Dino Charge
In addition there are the Titano, Ptera, and Plesio Zords which all have their own Megazord formations.
Power Rangers Ninja Steel
The most recent version of the series goes back to a smaller team though each member's Zords borrow from a different theme instead of a singular one, they include the Robo Red Zord, Dragon Zord, Nitro Zord, Kodiak Zord, and the Zoom Zord.
Power Rangers Ninja Steel
The five combine in the Ninja Steel Megazord as well.
Power Rangers Ninja Steel
In addition the Gold Ranger has his own, called the Bull Rider Zord, which combines into a Megazord with its auxiliary Zord, you guessed it, the Bull.
Carrier Zords
Many of the seasons of the series (though not all) have a Carrier Zord, a giant Zord that houses the other Zords and delivers them to the battlefield.
In addition, some of the series' have Ultrazords, which combine together multiple Megazords into one giant bot.
Power Rangers (2017)
The upcoming film will reboot the original season of the series including its fan-favorite Zords, the T-Red, Mastodon, Triceratoprs, Sabertooth Tiger, and Pterodactyl...
Power Rangers (2017)
….All of which naturally combine into a new version of the famous Megazord.