Hey kids, we just had the first trailer for the highly-anticipated — and, frankly, long overdue — The Matrix Resurrections from director Lana Wachowski and … wow. This movie, the fourth in The Matrix franchise, looks absolutely awesome!
RELATED: The Matrix Resurrections Trailer Brings Neo and Trinity Back to the System
Naturally, considering the mystery surrounding the plot and the wild, action-packed footage, fans have taken to Twitter to lay out their theories for the film; and because they were so much fun to read, we decided to compile some of our favorites below.
However, this exercise in pop culture stimulation comes with a strong warning: these theories may or may not contain spoilers. Keep in mind that the film was screened a short while back, so who knows how much info or insight many of these viewers have at their disposal.
First thing’s first, however: my theory. After much meditation and pondering — and speaking with my Matrix-obsessed brother — I’m not quite sure what the actual plot to the movie will center around, but I’m of the belief that Neo and Trinity will bite the bullet early in the pic, which will allow the story to center around Yahya Abdul-Mateen II’s Morpheus in a classic bait and switch. But that’s just me.
Anyways, here’s what others are saying on the Twitterverse:
The Matrix movies always had lots of color-coding going on, so it’s fun to pore over the Resurrections trailer with that in mind. Some pretty clear blue pill/red pill links here, but the more I read into it the more questions I have. pic.twitter.com/f3HIqSRk1k
— Tristan Cooper (@TristanACooper) September 9, 2021
It’s a super meta film that has Keanu playing a fictionalized version of himself filming a reboot of ‘The Matrix’. The final line is about the original movie, not the actual Matrix.
Except it turns out he IS in the Matrix? That’s the vibe I got. pic.twitter.com/tAu45E1qFh
— Core Ideas (@Xanshil) September 9, 2021
Theory: I think Keanu Reeves is playing himself in some of those shots from THE MATRIX 4. I know the therapist calls him Thomas, but it looks like there’s another therapist in the end. Might explain the beard, and THE MATRIX being screened inside The Matrix, etc.
— Ryan Stewart (@crsryan) September 9, 2021
Saw the Matrix 4 trailer and got a Crackpot theory about it.
After the end of Matrix 3, Neo figured out a way how to “revive” Trinity by creating his own version of the Matrix. The machines realizes this and been keeping tabs on him in this matrix due to how powerful he is. pic.twitter.com/AMqsuOFLLU
— Daitomodachi』 (@daitomodachi6) September 9, 2021
My favorite Matrix theory is still that John Wick is another iteration of The Matrix and Neo has no memory of what happened before. The new trailer makes makes that theory seem more possible, lmao
— Lucas (@thealaroundnerd) September 9, 2021
Okay, so this shot in particular has got me onboard the theory train, so here’s what I think is really going on in #TheMatrixResurrections. THREAD TIME!
Okay, so after the events of Revolutions, Neo was placed in a new version of the Matrix that STARTED in 1999….. (1/7) https://t.co/qs3IHSaUQH
— Chris Hanna (@MegaNerd98) September 9, 2021
I have just come up with a theory that John Wick, The Matrix, and Cyberpunk are all connected and Keanu Reeves is the same person throughout them. pic.twitter.com/DYmqI8En3G
— diest (@diest64) September 8, 2021
Those are some of the theories floating around online. What do you think happens in The Matrix Resurrections? Sound off in the comments below!