is counting down the films of Shane Black, whose signature sense of humor remains one of the most original voices in modern blockbuster filmmaking. Check out our choices in the gallery below!
Bursting onto the filmmaking scene with his debut script for Lethal Weapon, screenwriter-turned-director Shane Black has never been anything short of engrossingly cynical and immensely talented. From the very start, Black established himself as a thoroughly original voice in action filmmaking—from his signature trademarks like setting his films at Christmas to his knack for one-liners, one can always identify a Black script.
He’s been all over the place, creatively—darkly comedic neo-noirs to big-budget action films to nostalgic send-ups of childhood heroes—but never loses sight of what makes him unique. A Shane Black film is always guaranteed to deliver sharp dialogue, big action, and solid thrills. With just nine screenplays under his belt over the course of a few decades, Shane Black’s filmography is something to revere.
Shane Black movies
#9. The Predator (2018)
Shane Black has done a little acting in his time. One film he happens to be in is the original Predator film from 1987 (the same year his first two screenplays hit the big screen). That’s why, when it was announced he was rebooting the franchise, expectations were nothing short of high. Unfortunately, it’s clear the studio butchered what would have been a really funny, really solid Predator entry. The moments where Shane Black’s script shines through are the best moments of the feature.
#8. Iron Man 3 (2013)
Just because Iron Man 3 is one of the best Marvel movies doesn’t mean it belongs at the top of the list of best Shane Black films. However, it certainly means it deserves some respect for managing to subvert typical MCU expectations. There are some nice twists, some good humor, and some solid exposition for Tony Stark, even if the movie pales in comparison to Black’s other (edgier) work.
#7. Last Action Hero (1993)
A satire of big blockbusters and the clichéd tropes that go along with them, Last Action Hero is sharp in typical Black fashion—there are even a few segments where the filmmaker throws in some fake films-within-the-film to drive home his point. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the perfect choice for the lead, too. For the most part, it’s a complete blast.
#6. The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996)
Probably Black’s least-appreciated film (before The Predator was released, that is), The Long Kiss Goodnight stars Geena Davis and Samuel L. Jackson as a woman trying to piece her memories back together after an accident and the detective she hires to help her do it. It’s an ingenious set-up, much like Black’s other films, but it was unfairly panned upon its release for no particular reason at all. It’s not his best, but it’s far from his worst.
#5. The Last Boy Scout (1991)
Essentially functioning as a reminder of how good a Black-written Lethal Weapon sequel would have been, The Last Boy Scout stars Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans as a dysfunctional duo on a mission to find a murderer. Willis plays a disgraced cop and Wayans plays a disgraced NFL player, the two coming together to lock up a killer (before the two end up killing each other).
#4. The Monster Squad (1987)
Black’s other script from 1987, The Monster Squad is a loving send-up of the classic Universal monster movies from the first half of the 20th century. It’s like the antithesis of the Dark Universe.
#3. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Considered by many to be Black’s finest, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang stars Robert Downey Jr., Val Kilmer, and Michelle Monaghan in a seedy LA noir with both heart and sarcasm. It was definitely the best of Black’s detective films until The Nice Guys rolled around.
#2. Lethal Weapon (1987)
The movie that gave him his career (and spawned three sequels and a television show that the writer had little-to-nothing to do with), 1987’s Lethal Weapon has countless iconic lines for a reason. It’s a thoroughly engaging and hysterically funny buddy cop movie, with Mel Gibson and Danny Glover riding on its success for decades to come.
#1. The Nice Guys (2016)
Black’s most recent original film, The Nice Guys sees Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe giving one of the best buddy cop performances since… well, Black’s other buddy cop films. A standout of 2016 and of the decade as a whole, The Nice Guys is as funny as it is eccentric, combining all the best elements of Shane Black’s career into one fantastic film.